Unwarrantable Condo Loans, Lenders and Financing of Downtown Los Angeles Live/Work Lofts

LOFT LOANS:  UNWARRANTBLE CONDOS Some Downtown L.A. loft condo buildings such as SB Grand lofts and a few others have issues that can make it difficult to finance units in the building. The reasons often involve high renter ratio, mixed-use, industrial or commercial buildings and incomplete or minimal HOA financial documents.  Can buyers get a mortgage …

Downtown Los Angeles Loft Professionals: Cleaners, Home Improvement Contractors, Inspection, Lenders, Real Estate Agents

Downtown L.A. Directory:  Housekeepers, Home Inspection, Lenders, Agents and Attorneys  #dtla #loft #directory Downtown L.A. lofts present special challenges and opportunities for owners, residents and home sellers due to their unique industrial, historic and commercial attributes. Large open spaces with high ceilings exposed plumbing are common. The physical and legal requirements can quite often differ …