SOLD Lofts and Condos Real Estate Downtown Los Angeles: Getting More By Negotiation

With L.A. real estate rocked by pandemic, economic crash and non-performance due to coronavirus Force Majeure, only 78 out of 217 listed properties sold successfully in the last two months in Downtown Los Angeles and the surrounding loft neighborhoods MLS areas 23, 42 and 1375. In the today’s market besieged by panic and collapse, unique …

Downtown Los Angeles Real Estate: Loft Living and Investments, Back-Up Offers

Placing Back-Up Offers on Properties In Escrow In normal real estate markets, about 10% of escrows fall through. So, when a prospective home buyer places a back up offer, it generally has less than a 10% chance of success. During a financial panic and pandemic, the chances of back-up offer acceptance goes much higher because …